As with all areas of our congregation’s ministry, the Mission Statement of The Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit serves as a guide for the music ministry of our congregation.
We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to provide a meaningful and current music ministry program to meet the needs of the “faithful ministers of Jesus Christ”. Vibrant and varied music is therefore a key dimension of the Holy Spirit experience. That is reflected in the many performing groups in the church.
Youth and Children’s Music
Youth Musicians
Any youth with musical experience who is interested in serving as an instrumentalist during the 9:30 am Family Service, please let us know! We welcome youth participation in music during our worship services!
Sunday School Music
Music is a regular part of Sunday School at the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit! During Sunday School, children in all grade levels up through 5th grade will have the opportunity to engage in learning new songs, to relate the text of these songs to messages from the Bible, and to prepare vocal arrangements and instrumental parts, such as chimes and percussion to help lead musical selections during the 9:30 am Family Service.
Children’s Chime Choir
Children’s Chime Choir is open to children from 1st through 5th grade. This ensemble plays for special occasions during the Family Service, such as on Christmas Eve.
Adult Music Groups
Adult Choir
Adult Choir provides choral leadership for 10:45 am worship service and Festival Sundays from September through June. Occasionally, they provide musical leadership for 8:30 am worship. This group is open to adults. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings in the Nave. All are welcome whether you have choral experience or not. The members of the Adult Choir provide encouragement, are supportive of one another, and will always lend a helping hand to new members.
Festival Choir
Festival Choir is a concert choir singing 2 concerts per year. All are welcome!
Spirit Ringers
Spirit Ringers are individuals who love music and enjoy the challenge of ringing bells. We play 60 Schulmerich Handbells. This musical group provides accompaniment to hymns, anthems, liturgy, and preludes. This group is open to adults. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 pm, in the Nave. Interested persons can contact the church office.
Rejoicing Spirits Ringers
Rejoicing Spirit Ringers are individuals from our Rejoicing Spirits ministry who come together as a handbell ensemble for our monthly Rejoicing Spirits service and fellowship gathering. Rehearsals begin in October.
Drum Ensemble
The Drum Ensemble draws on a full range of drums of all sizes to perform music, often African-inspired, at the 10:45am service periodically during the year.
Instrumentalists are needed for our 8:30 am and 10:45 am worships. We welcome guitars, percussionists, woodwinds, and strings. If you are interested in offering a solo or working in a group, please contact Deacon Reylene Starego at