Kitti Berkheimer – Stephen Leader
Mike and I have been members of Holy Spirit since 1980 joining shortly after we were married in June of 1980. We have three married children who grew up in the Holy Spirit congregation: Jenna, Mark and Emily. We also have a granddaughter Joy who resides in Tallahassee, Florida with Jenna and her husband. I have been employed by the Parkland School District since 1999 and am currently an Administrative Assistant at Parkway Manor Elementary School. I have been a member of the Auxiliary of the Lehigh Valley Hospital for many years and twice served as President. Throughout my years at Holy Spirit I have been involved in many areas of the church life. I was a Youth Group Advisor, Sunday School teacher, member of the Nursery School Board, mentor for the catechism program, sang in the adult choir and took part in Word for God’s Children. I am currently involved in Altar Guild as a monthly chairperson, am a member of the Spirit Ringers hand bell choir, and usher. Mike and I have also been members of a small Koinonia group at Holy Spirit since the mid 1980’s. I enjoy scrapbooking and spending time with our dog Boo.

Mike Berkheimer – Stephen Leader
Kitti and I have been married since 1980 and have been members of Holy Spirit since 1980. We have three adult children, Jenna, Mark and Emily as well as a granddaughter, Joy. I came to the Lehigh Valley in 1979 following college graduation to work for Air Products and retired from there in 2016. I then spent 2 years with Versum Materials, a company spun off from Air Products in 2016 and I am currently working part-time for Buckeye Partners, LP. I have had a variety of assignments in engineering, procurement and shared services throughout my career. During our earlier years at Holy Spirit, Kitti and I were involved in the youth ministry program under the spirited leadership of B.J. Weigang. I also served a 3-yr term on Congregation Council, including a year as Council President when Al Roberts was our senior Pastor. Currently I also serve as an Usher, play in the handbell choir and assist Kitti when she is on duty for Altar Guild. I enjoy golfing, spending time with family and spending time outdoors in the warmer months of the year. I have been a Stephen Minister since 2014 and a Stephen Leader since 2015.

Bill Derhammer – Stephen Leader
I am married to Fran Derhammer since 1990. We have a blended family with four children and five grandchildren who are beautiful and above average! I am retired from a career in financial services with Met Life and am enjoying every minute of retirement. I enjoy both big and small game hunting, archery shooting, fishing, fly tying, cooking, gardening and reading. Fran and I also enjoy traveling. I have been a member of Holy Spirit since 1990. I have served on the Stewardship Committee and now serve as an usher and communion assistant. Fran and I joined the church youth in one trip to Starks, ME participating in Project Help. Fran and I became Stephen Ministers in 2011 and went on to become Stephen Leaders in 2012.

Fran Derhammer – Stephen Leader
I’ve been married to Bill Derhammer since 1990. Our wonderful blended family includes 2 sons, 2 daughters and 5 beautiful grandchildren. I am enjoying retirement from Lehigh Valley Health Network after more than 40 years of challenging and rewarding experiences in health care. With a nursing degree and a master’s degree in public health I worked in childbirth education, women’s health, community health, and Marketing and Public Affairs as Manager of Community Relations. I keep fit by walking, biking, and going to a fitness center and an aquatics center. I also love to cook, read, garden, play the piano, and travel – especially to visit our kids and grandkids in San Diego, CA Phoenix, AZ, Portsmouth, NH and Ambler, PA. A member of LCHS since 2000, my involvement in church activities includes Stewardship Ministry Mission team, usher, communion assistant, greeter, reader, and contributor of baked goods or foods for special church events. Bill and I also experienced ministry in action with our youth and adults through Project Help in 2010. Together, Bill and I continue to grow in our faith and have been richly blessed to be part of the Stephen Ministry program, becoming Stephen Ministers in 2011, followed by becoming Stephen Leaders in 2012.

Irv Keister
I have been a member of Holy Spirit since 1983 when I moved to the Lehigh Valley with my wife Diane and our two children, Denel and Drew. Diane went to be with her Lord in 2018 after 49 years of marriage. Currently, I spend significant time with my four granddaughters who keep me energized. While at Holy Spirit, I have served in numerous roles, including Sunday School teacher, youth advisor, Stewardship committee, long range planning committee and Chairperson of the Staff Relations committee. In addition, I served with a group of Holy Spirit members who founded the Forum for Ethics in the Work Place, a ministry in daily life organization now based at DeSales University. Presently I serve as a Stephen Minister and am Chairperson of the Intern Committee. Professionally, I have an Electrical Engineering and MBA degrees. I retired from PPL after 35 years. At PPL I held senior management positions in the Operations and Nuclear Departments. After retirement, I served as a financial advisor with MetLife. My interests include serving the township and community where I live, sports, reading, physical exercise, playing bridge and traveling.

Nancy McClain
I am a life-long Lutheran. I married John in 1999, a second marriage for both of us, and we moved to Green Lane in Montgomery Co. We joined LCHS in 2015 and worship at 8:45 with my daughter, son-in-law and 3 grandchildren. My son, daughter- in- law and grandson live in CA. I recently retired from Mont Co Aging & Adult services, as a care manager and investigator for Elder Protective services. I have also taught Home Economics, life skills, child development, adult literacy, GED, English as a second language and cooking classes. In volunteering I have costumed different theatre groups, worked with hospice, Habitat for Humanity, refugee resettlement and Girl Scouts. In former congregations I participated in Women of the ELCA, taught Sunday school, youth ministry advisor, bell choir and choir member. At Holy Spirit I serve on altar guild, as a greeter, delivering flowers, VBS crafts, Hospitality committee, making costumes and with Stitch and Chat making quilts. I enjoy the M&Ms, and with John, Table talk and Venture out groups. At home I enjoy sewing memory quilts as well as quilt tops, gardening, cooking, exercise at the Y and traveling with John, especially to National parks and World Heritage sites. I am a believer in life-long learning and enjoy the many opportunities offered here and in the community. I look forward to being a Stephen Minister and serving others in that capacity, for all matter to God.

Bill Newill
Kristen and I were married in 1987. Our immediate family is made up of Michael and Kristy Newill and their two children, Landon and Lydia; Patrick and Michelle Newill; and Andrew and his fiancée Caitlyn Binner. Kristen and I moved from Quakertown to Lower Macungie in 1994 and joined the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit. I have worked as a programmer in the medical insurance industry and accounting software industry until I started my website development business. Fourteen years ago, I sold my business and joined forces with SapphireK12, my largest client at the time. SapphireK12 develops K-12 administrative software for public schools and charter schools. I worked as a software developer for 13 years, and now I run the Client Services Team. At LCHS, I am currently involved with the Hand Bell Choir, the Zoom Production Team, and the Stephen Ministry program. When I am not working or helping out at LCHS, I enjoy fishing and boating. When the weather is warm, you will often find Kristen and me enjoying sailing on Lake Nockamixon, or I will head south to the Chesapeake Bay to go fishing with my brother and my sons.

Kristen Newill
Bill and I were married in 1987 and joined Holy Spirit in the fall of 1994. We raised our three sons, Michael, Patrick, and Andrew in the church. Both of our grandchildren were baptized at Holy Spirit, as well. After 34 years of teaching 1st & 2nd graders, I retired in July 2020. So many of my life’s experiences and opportunities, both personally and professionally, have led me on a journey to become a Stephen Minister. Professionally, I am a Writing Fellow and a member of the National Writing Project. I have presented, professionally, at Penn State, in educating teachers. As part of the leadership team at my school, we developed and implemented a school-wide program for social/emotional development to develop positive school-wide communities. I have also mentored several student teachers. Personally, I am a co-leader of Holy Spirit’s Rejoicing Spirits Ministry, ring in the handbell choir, have participated in Stitch & Chat, substituted as a Sunday School teacher, been a greeter, and have helped with the Family worship service (you may have heard me as the voice of “Amazing Grace,” Theo’s little sister). In addition, I have the complete joy of caring for our two beautiful grandchildren one day a week. I love to walk, do water aerobics, read, create cards, and lovingly tend our veggie and flower gardens. It is with a servant’s heart that I serve as a Stephen Minister.

Dianna Olszewski
I am very excited to serve at Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit as a Stephen Minister. A little about me – I was born and raised in Philadelphia. My parents loved to camp, so we spent weekends and summers in the great outdoors. I always felt lucky to have both city and mountain living throughout my youth. In 1999 Ryan and I were married. We met at East Stroudsburg University where I studied Marine Science and Environmental Studies. We have two kind and talented teenage children, Molly and Zac. We enjoy cheering them on at swim meets and bicycle races. We are active in many communities – volunteering at the Zionsville food pantry and Holy Spirit. I am a Girl Scout leader, and assist with the Boy Scout troop. I love fresh air and get outside as much as possible, usually birding, kayaking, hiking, biking, or gardening. Spending time with friends rejuvenates me. Since 1999 I have worked for Air Products in numerous roles, and in 2017, moved into Evonik Industries in Supply Chain. I believe a smile is a simple gesture that can make a huge difference in someone’s day.

Tena Rapp
Hello, my name is Tena, and I am so honored to be a member of the Stephen Ministry team. I joined LCHS in 2006, and during my time here, I have served on the hospitality committee and as a Sunday school teacher for several years. Outside of our congregation, I have volunteered with the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), an after-school program for kids, and I am a dedicated member of my weekly Bible study group through the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). I am originally from Canada, where I worked with Revenue Canada developing training programs relating to NAFTA and the Goods And Service Tax, but I have been living in the United States
since 1996. My household consists of my husband Brad, my children Robert and Helen, and our
dog Appa. My favorite things to do, besides trying to stay healthy and enjoying life with family
and friends, include cooking, traveling, hiking, reading, bird watching, gardening, and recently,
learning to play Mahjong. I am excited about my Stephen Ministry journey. With God’s help, I
look forward to helping others in our community.

Al Setzer
Clare and I have been married since 1984 and have 2 children, Tim and Janelle. In 1976, I moved from New York City to Schuylkill County and managed health food stores until I found my way into health care. In 1981 I became a respiratory therapist, a profession I’ve enjoyed for 38 years. During my years in health care, I earned my degree from Muhlenberg College in Business Administration.
While living in the Lehigh Valley, I’ve enjoyed serving my community by being an EMT, paramedic, deputy coroner and hospice volunteer. I enjoy reading, bicycle riding and hiking when the opportunity arises. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to help those in need through the Stephen Ministry.

Rob Smith
My wife, Sue, and I were married at Holy Spirit in 1979. Sue introduced me to Holy Spirit and I became a member in 1978. We have a son, Ben, who, with his wife, Valerie, live nearby in Allentown. They have a son, Jackson, who is a little over a year old and is such a blessing! We care for Jackson several days a week. I retired from Air Products after 35 years and I’m currently “working” at a retirement job for a fly fishing shop in the Poconos. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and bicycling and fly fishing. I’ve been active as a Boy Scout volunteer, here at Holy Spirit, and with the Lehigh Valley Wheelmen cycling club. I’ve served 3 terms as a member of our Congregational Council and am currently the convener of our Church Growth Mission Team. I enjoy assisting in worship as an usher, communion assistant and reader. I’m very pleased and proud to be part of the Stephen Ministry Team.

Lynn G. Snyder
I am a transplanted Virginian who has lived in the Lehigh Valley since my graduation from Virginia Tech in 1976. I became a member of Holy Spirit in 1982 and Greg and I were married there in 1988 by Pastor Wayne Matthias-Long. We relocated to California through Greg’s Air Products employment from 1995-1998 and upon our return to Macungie, Greg joined Holy Spirit and I re-joined in 1998. We have one daughter, Jenna, who is a nurse in the LVHN, and was raised in this church. During my years at Holy Spirit, I have served as a member and co-chair of the Altar Guild, sung in the Adult Choir, been a Reader, served as chairperson of the Nursery School Board, and was a member of the Church Advisory Committee. I became a Stephen Minister in 2019. Serving the community, I have been the secretary of our development’s civic association, have been a Girl Scout leader, and was an active soccer mom as well as girls’ soccer coach. Professionally, I am a retired Administrative Assistant from Eyer Middle School in the East Penn School District, having worked in that district for 20 years. I also worked as a dental assistant and dental office manager for Dr. Jerome Kaplan for 13 years (before Jenna was born) and worked briefly part-time as a dental assistant for Dr. George Kirchner. My first job in the Lehigh Valley was as a waitress at Hess’s Patio restaurant in downtown Allentown in 1976! Since my retirement in 2018, I am trying to get used to a “less-than-fast-paced” lifestyle. I love doing word games to keep my mind active, making people laugh, and visiting hospital patients. I enjoy playing Bunco with neighborhood friends and just being with people in general. Greg and I hope to do some travelling in the near future.

Kasthy Soska
I have been a member at Holy Spirit since 2001, when we were searching for a church with an active youth group for our daughter, Candace, who was ready to begin confirmation instruction. Mike and I were active with the youth group, including being chaperones on trips to Washington D.C. and the Youth Gathering in Atlanta. I have been active with Stitch and Chat and the Spirit Ringers in the past and am currently part of the Rejoicing Spirits Team. I have been a Special Education Teacher since 1979, working for CLIU 21 and East Penn School District. I currently am a Resource Room Teacher at St. Ann School in Emmaus. I enjoy spending time with my grandchildren, card-making and learning new languages.

Lorie Stout Sherman
After getting married and moving to Allentown I began looking for a faith community. This lifelong Lutheran found Holy Spirit to be a welcoming congregation, active, progressive, and mission driven. I became a member of Holy Spirit in 1979. Over the years I have been quite active in the congregation. I served multiple terms on Congregation Council as a member and as Council President. I have convened the Stewardship Mission Team, served on the Center for Faith and Life Board and currently chair the Staff Support Mission Team and Church Growth. I also serve Holy Spirit as an assisting minister, reader and greeter. In my retirement I enjoy sewing, crafts, reading and travel. I also thoroughly enjoy time spent with my son, daughter-in- law and grandkids. Serving as a Stephen Minister will be a new experience for me. I look forward to learning and growing through the ministry.

Brenda Truhe
I have been a Lutheran my entire life. I was baptized and confirmed at St Michael’s Lutheran Church of Quiggleville where I went to church with my grandmother. I’ve been a member of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit since 1995. My daughter Katie was baptized at LCHS in 1996 and now lives in Philadelphia. I moved to Allentown after graduating from Bloomsburg University, started my career at PPL, and attended Lehigh University to obtain my Masters degree. I held various roles at PPL including software development for the Susquehanna Nuclear Station, manager of Internal Audit, and manager of compliance of power grid security and operations. I retired from PPL in February 2020 to have more time for other interests, including family time, reading, gardening, starting a consulting firm, and trips to the beach. Working in downtown Allentown for over 35 years, exposed me to various opportunities to get involved with several organizations including The Literacy Center and the Boys & Girls Club. I currently serve as LCHS Usher coordinator, Bloomin’ Faith Delivery Coordinator, and a member of the Growth Mission Team. I look forward to serving as a Stephen Minister.

Carole Wetherhold
I have been a member of Holy Spirit since 1999 following a divorce and move to Macungie. I have been a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist since 1970. I received my training for nursing and anesthesia at Lankenau Hospital in Philadelphia. I have worked locally at St Luke’s Hospital and Lehigh Valley Hospital and retired 2 years ago. In 2000 I met and then married Ron Wetherhold in 2001 here at Holy Spirit. We have joined are families and now have two sons, Mark and Jason and a daughter Kathy. We have five Grandchildren, Gavin, Olivia, Nathan, Taylor and Cody. Since joining Holy Spirit I have served as Reader, Altar Guild member, and did provide for coffee hour for several years. At my former church I was a member of Altar Guild, Reader, Communion Assistant, Church counsel, Sunday School teacher, Bell Choir member and actively involved in Women of the ELCA. I currently reside in Emmaus. I enjoy outdoor activities. Biking, walking, hiking, baking, cooking, Zumba, knitting reading and many other crafts. I look forward to participating and serving as a Stephen Minister.

Leesa Wimmer
I have been a member, off and on through the years, of Holy Spirit since 1969. I’m a graduate of Emmaus High School, Gettysburg College, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and Longwood Garden‘s Certificate of Merit program in Floral Design. My husband Mark and I were married at Holy Spirit in 1980. We have two children, Erin and Brett. Erin is married to Tom and they have two children, Claire ( age 6) and Dash (two months). Brett was recently married to Stephanie. Our lives are full and blessed! Mark and I are employed by Historic Bethlehem as tour guides. I am also a museum teacher. You may see us at Christmas time walking the streets of historic Bethlehem in our colonial garb! I look forward to serving the congregation I love so much, as a Stephen Minister. Walking with people in transition or pain will be my privilege.

Pastor Tami Reichley – Staff Liaison
I serve as Associate Pastor, called by Holy Spirit in December 2019 and ordained on February 16, 2020. I share with our other pastors in the full pastoral ministry of the congregation (preaching, teaching, worship and pastoral care responsibilities); along with specific areas of ministry under Pastoral/Member Care and Outreach. I relate and work with several ministry teams, including: Stephen Ministry, Eucharistic Ministry, Evangelism, Church Growth, New Members, Global Missions, Local Service Mission Trips, and our Outreach benevolence ministries. My path toward ordained ministry is a ‘second-career’ calling, after having been an attorney practicing law for over 25 years. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from University of Delaware prior to receiving my Juris Doctorate from Widener University Law School. I view ministry as a blessed opportunity. It is a gift to journey with others in faith and explore the many ways we are called to embrace God’s grace and actively live out Jesus’ love in the world. When not busy with church activity, I cherish precious family time with my two teenage children, physical activity and sports, and the beauty of nature being outdoors.