Adult Ministries

As Lutherans we believe in the ministry of all believers, and that takes many forms.

As an adult we invite you to consider helping in any of our many forms of ministry, and in participating in any of our many other activities.

Helping At Worship

Our services are cooperative efforts of many people who contribute in a variety of ways.  You can choose to help out in a number of ways:

  • As Assisting Minister
  • As an Acolyte or Crucifer
  • Preparing or cleaning up as part of our Altar Care
  • As a Reader of biblical lessons during the service
  • Helping distribute communion as a Communion Assistant
  • As an Usher
  • As a Greeter as people arrive
  • Helping with the Nursery
  • Delivering altar flowers to shut-ins

Check our listing of Who’s Doing What for the current contacts for each way of helping.

Stephen Ministry

As members of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve our community and the world by our ministry in daily life.  The Stephen Ministry Series is a lay visitation and caring program involving in-depth training in communication and caring skills for a myriad of challenges and crises that families and individuals face in life. The mission of the Stephen Ministry team at the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit is to provide a robust Stephen Ministry program that is available to men and women of the congregation and community that need the distinctively Christian caring that is provided by a trained Stephen Minister.

View biographies of our present Stephen Ministers.

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Assisting With Child and Youth Programs

Holy Spirit needs dedicated adults to help guide our children’s development in faith.  Because our programs are extensive our need for help is significant.  If you are interested in helping, contact:

Contributing Your Unique Talents

We all have unique talents and interests that can contribute to the congregation’s mission.  You can share your talents and link with the church’s needs by completing a Time and Talent form.  You can also volunteer for any of the church’s Mission Teams (committees):

  • Church Growth (community outreach, fellowship events etc.)
  • Adult Faith Formation
  • Children Faith Formation
  • Youth and Young Adults Faith Formation
  • Member Care (prayer chain, outreach, nursing etc.)
  • Ministry In Daily Life
  • Outreach (social ministry)
  • Resources For Ministry (finance, property, newsletter, endowments etc.)
  • Staff Relations (staff support)
  • Stewardship
  • Technology (website, computer, database, audio-visual)
  • Worship (worship and music)
  • Rejoicing Spirits
You can check out who to contact in our list of Check our listing of Who’s Doing What at Holy Spirit.

Prime Timers

Holy Spirit has a very active seniors group called Prime Timers, composed of people who enjoy getting together for fellowship, good conversation, and positive experiences. They have several special interest groups composed of lifelong learners both of new experiences and of having fun together. The group is composed of singles and couples with diverse backgrounds and interests. Although the majority of our group is composed of members of Holy Spirit some members are friends or join us from other churches in the area, so it is both diverse and ecumenical.   

For more information on our meetings and fun activities you can join in on, please click here.

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Other Adult Group Activities

Small groups provide an ideal way to interact with your fellow Christians, share experiences, learn and simply have a good time.  Holy Spirit offers a variety of small group opportunities.

Stitch and Chat  –  The Stitch and Chat group is a ministry of comforting outreach at Holy Spirit.  Members gather on the second Monday of the month to cut, sew, and tie lap-sized quilts.  These quilts have been distributed to local organizations, to Project Help in Starks, Maine, members of the congregation, and wherever there is a need.  The materials for this ministry come through member donations including our Sunday School.  Well over 100 quilts go out the doors each year.  Quilting work can be done with the group or on your own and newcomers are always welcome.

Knitting in Faith, Prayer Shawls  –  A group of knitters pray and work on knitted or crocheted pieces at home.  Prayer shawls and prayers go out to members, friends and community members who are ill, facing surgery, grieving and shawls are also made for victims of disaster, the homebound or people we hold in prayer.

M & M’s, Too  –  This is an inspirational time for women to talk, connect, and pray together. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am.

Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit Book Group  –  A thought provoking small group opportunity to meet and discuss faith and life perspectives on engaging books. The current book we are reading and will be discussing is listed in our weekly “Holy Happenings” newsletter. We usually meet the fourth Monday of the month.  Our book group is open to both men and women.

Bloomin’ Faith shows care and concern for the members of LCHS who are shut-in, ill or grieving, and also shares our happiness and joy through small bouquets of flowers.  Flowers (especially unexpected ones) brighten a person’s day and serve as a constant reminder that someone cares and is praying for them. Volunteers can sign up to help deliver flowers, bring in flowers from their gardens, or donate towards the cost.

You can check out who to contact in our list of contacts for our ministries at Holy Spirit.

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