Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What times are your Worship Services?
A: Sunday worship times are 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Our Family Worship service begins at 9:45 am.  Currently, Holy Communion is offered at all Sunday worship services.

Q:  What are your office hours?
A: During the week our church office hours are 8:00AM to 4:00PM.

Q:  Are children welcome?
A: Children are always welcome!  Children are most comfortable at the 9:30 am service but we welcome and celebrate children at all three of our services.  Nursery care is also available during all three services.

Q:  How can I get my children baptized?
We would ask that you contact the church office 610-967-2220 to inquire about future dates and to make a baptismal appointment with one of the pastors.

Q: How do I enroll my child or youth in Sunday School?
A: We offer Sunday School for both
Children and Youth, age 3 to grade 12.  The Church Office can help you register your children.

Q:  Where is your church located?
A:    We are at 3461 S Cedar Crest Blvd in Emmaus, PA 18049. You can find us off Cedar Crest Blvd. next to the Emmaus High School football field.  You can click here for more information.

Q:  Can you give me information about the Nursery School (Preschool)?
A: All the information about our Preschool can be found

Q:  Does your church have a youth program? 
A:   We do have a very extensive youth ministry program that offers a variety of opportunities for youth to get involved. Our mission statement is:
   Youth filled with the Spirit      
      Having Fun Connecting with All People
         in Faith & Service to the World

You can click here for more information.

Q: Do I need to be a member to participate?
A: No, visitors are always welcome at our church.  You are invited to participate in any event, program or worship service that we offer.  Membership, however, is required for participation in congregational meetings and committees/mission teams.

Q:  Do I need to be a member to commune?
A:   No, we have an open communion table; which means that anyone who is baptized and believes that in the bread and wine we receive Christ, is welcome to commune. Grape juice is used in our celebration so that all may freely receive. 

Q:  At what age can a child commune?
A:   Any child who has received instruction in the Sacrament of Holy Communion at another church is welcome to commune with us.  We offer instruction to our fifth graders during our Catechism classes each year.  Individual instruction (by parents and one of the pastors) is available for children younger than fifth grade who are interested and ready to commune.

Q:  What does it mean that this church has a protection of minor’s policy?
A:   It means that we require state and FBI background checks for all adult (persons 18 or older) staff and volunteers who work with children and youth who are minors age 17 and younger.  In addition we have a number of set policies designed to create as safe an environment as possible for your child or youth.

Q:  What does it mean that the congregation is a “Reconciled in Christ” congregation?
A:   It means that all are welcome in this congregation, regardless of race, gender, ethnic heritage or sexual orientation.

Q:  What is the Rejoicing Spirits Worship Service?
A: It is a monthly worship service designed to serve persons who are differently abled and their caretakers and families.  Our service is held on the second Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm.  All are welcome! You can click here to find out more about our Rejoicing Spirits program..

Q:  Does your church do weddings for non-members?
A:   Normally,
weddings are held for members of our congregation.  A wedding can be scheduled by contacting the church office (610-967-2220) and speaking with a pastor to select an available date.

Q:  Can I request prayer?
A:   Yes, we have a
prayer chain that is available for prayer requests and prayer requests are regularly shared at our Sunday worship services.  You can call the Church Office to have someone placed on our prayer list.

Q: How can I volunteer?
A:  Please contact the church office at 610-967-2220, ext. 101 to find out ways you can get involved.  We would love to help you share your talents with us.